The Intriguing Case of Human Identity – Chameleo

10 01 2010

Chameleo, by Rahul Sen, Seattle

Chameleo is a service that helps manage our digital identity in an age when we are constantly creating and sharing content in order to stay visible. It would exist a few years in the future on much more advanced versions of our mobile devices.

This future concept was inspired by recent occurrences in Social Networking and newer social media tools. This project examined their deep impacts on our identity. Today, we are rapidly entering an era when mediated information is a constant stream and we are compulsive contributors. More aspects of our life are shifting ‘Cloudward’, and with the dawn of ubiquitous computing – The Cloud is coming down to Earth. Identity as a result is becoming ever more short-lived and difficult to manage.

The service would basically observe and learn behavioral patterns, preferences and personal data history in dealing with our multiple online identities and help us manage the way our identity was molded based on location, time, proximity and place.

More on Chameleo at

This concept which will be greatly utilized when it is released as the use of Social Networking tools are increasing and all the “clicks” and “drags” will be largely reduced if this service is taking over the task of helping us managing multiple accounts and this will eventually “open” more people to Social Networking.



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